1. you need to draw a representation of your body and include all the body parts that we have learned from this unit.(There are 18 body parts-include 2 additional body parts that I have given to you in class.

2. you will also need to include 8 colorful adjectives to describe your body and face. For example: you can write "les jambes jaunes, les yeux verts... Remember to make sure that your adjectives agree with the gender and the number of the body parts you are describing. You will also need to color your body parts!

3. Your project will also require 6 adjectives to describe yourself. Include one negative eepression. Par exemple: Je suis timide et belle! Je ne suis pas bete, mais je suis intelligente.

4. La partie finale: You will have to write 2 activities that you no longer do(ne..plus), and 2 activities that you never do(ne...jamais). Par exemple: Je joue toujours au foo. Je ne mange plus les pommes. Je ne fait jamais de velo.

How would I start this off?

hair-la chavette

leg-la jambe
head-la tete
hand-la ma

I'd start this assignment by drawing a representation of your body and then labeling the parts in French.

hair is les cheveaux

and hand would be la main

So first I draw a representation of my body and then I label the parts in French. This would be completeing #1 right?

Then would #2,3,4 be connected?


Ok, just to make this clear. On a blank white sheet of paper I draw myself and then I label. But where would I be putting #2,3&4. Would I be putting them under my picture

You may need separate pieces of paper for 2, 3, and 4.

ohkay I'll post it up here after I'm done, thanks

thanks alot

To begin this project, you will need to create a representation of your body. Start by drawing a simple outline of a person, including all the body parts that you have learned during this unit. There are a total of 18 body parts that you should include.

Additionally, you need to add 2 additional body parts that were given to you in class. Make sure to label each body part accordingly. Remember that the gender and number of the body parts should determine the adjectives you will use to describe them accurately.

Once you have drawn your body, you need to color each body part. Use different colors to make your representation visually appealing. This will help you to showcase your creativity as well.

Moving on, you also need to include 8 adjectives to describe your body and face. Ensure that these adjectives agree with the gender and number of the body parts you are describing. Use colorful and descriptive adjectives to make your representation more interesting. For example, you can use phrases like "les jambes jaunes" (yellow legs) or "les yeux verts" (green eyes).

Next, you will be describing yourself using 6 adjectives. Include both positive and negative expressions. For instance, you can say "Je suis timide et belle" (I am shy and beautiful). Make sure the adjectives match your gender and number. To provide a balanced representation, include one negative adjective. An example of a negative expression could be "Je ne suis pas bête" (I am not stupid). However, balance it out with a positive adjective, such as "mais je suis intelligente" (but I am intelligent).

Finally, in the last part of your project, you need to write 2 activities that you no longer do (ne...plus) and 2 activities that you never do (ne...jamais). For instance, you could write "Je joue toujours au foot" (I still play soccer) and "Je ne mange plus les pommes" (I no longer eat apples). And for activities you never do, you can write "Je ne fais jamais de vélo" (I never ride a bike).

Remember to be creative and have fun with your project!