Hydrogen bond v covalent

how are they sim and diff

Both involve chemical bonds where bonds are formed from electrostatic forces

covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms. Outer valence shells are filled by the sharing of atoms. This creates a strong bond

Hydrogen bond involves the bonding of Hydrgon to a negatively charged atom. It involves electrostatic forces between atoms.

Rest i don't know.

Help me out please.

great thanks

Sure! I can help you out with the similarities and differences between hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds.

1. Both hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds involve the formation of chemical bonds between atoms.
2. In both cases, these bonds are formed due to electrostatic forces between atoms.
3. Both types of bonds contribute to the stability and structure of molecules.

1. In covalent bonding, atoms share electrons in their outer valence shells, resulting in the formation of a strong bond. In hydrogen bonding, hydrogen atoms are attracted to electronegative atoms (such as oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine) via electrostatic forces. This attraction is weaker than a covalent bond.
2. Covalent bonds occur between atoms of the same or different elements, whereas hydrogen bonds specifically occur between hydrogen atoms and electronegative atoms.
3. Covalent bonds are relatively permanent, while hydrogen bonds are temporary and can be easily broken or formed.
4. Covalent bonds involve a strong overlap of electron orbitals between bonding atoms, whereas hydrogen bonds involve a partial positive charge on a hydrogen atom and a partial negative charge on another atom.

To summarize, both hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds involve the formation of chemical bonds through electrostatic forces, but they differ in terms of the strength of the bond, the types of atoms involved, the permanence of the bond, and the nature of the interaction between the atoms.