what is the solution for 3x=27-15x and what is the solution for 7(2-m)=3m


3x + 15x = 27 - 15x + 15x
18x = 27
x = 27/18 = 1 9/18 = 1 1/2

What do you think the solution to your other problem is?



To find the solution for the equation 3x = 27 - 15x, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Combine like terms
Add 15x to both sides of the equation to eliminate the negative term on the right side:
3x + 15x = 27 - 15x + 15x
18x = 27

Step 2: Solve for x
Divide both sides of the equation by 18 to isolate x:
18x / 18 = 27 / 18
x = 1.5

Therefore, the solution for the equation 3x = 27 - 15x is x = 1.5.

Now let's move on to the second equation, 7(2 - m) = 3m:

Step 1: Distribute
Multiply 7 by each term inside the parentheses:
14 - 7m = 3m

Step 2: Combine like terms
Add 7m to both sides of the equation to eliminate the negative term on the left side:
14 - 7m + 7m = 3m + 7m
14 = 10m

Step 3: Solve for m
Divide both sides of the equation by 10 to isolate m:
14 / 10 = 10m / 10
m = 1.4

Therefore, the solution for the equation 7(2 - m) = 3m is m = 1.4.