Ms. Sue I'd like to thank you again for helping me and I am in need of help right now.

As you know I have completed my summary, but now I need help presenting it. My classmates and I have to present this infront of the teacher.

This is the criteria:
1. introduce yourself
2.title of article
3. newspaper it came from
4. who, what, where, when, why
5. opinion on choice of article(what about the article interests you)
6. what are your thoughts on subject chosen

My presentation: My name is Austin and the title of my article is Vavenby wants time for mines before school closed. The newspaper it came from is the Kamloops Daily newspaper. Who= Vavenby school board trustees, what= The board is closing the school and trying to maintain their budget, where= Vavenby, British Columbia, Canada, when= this year, why= because the mill has shut down and people are moving away.

Ms. Sue I need help with the rest.
#5, and # 6.


Austin -- I don't know why YOU chose this article (# 5) or what YOUR thoughts on this subject are (# 6).

5.= Something that interests me in this article is that how young students have to abandon their school and get used to a new one, which will be tough to do for youngsters.

i'll workk on #6 and let you knoe, but can you please add some more detail in #5, thanks

I think you have enough for # 5. I like your answer!

Hi Austin! I'd be happy to help you with the rest of your presentation. Let's tackle criteria #5 and #6.

For #5, you need to share your opinion on why this article interests you. To do this, think about what aspect of the article caught your attention or why it is important to you. Ask yourself questions like: Does it relate to a topic you are passionate about? Does it bring new information or a different perspective? Once you've identified what interests you about the article, simply state it in a clear and concise manner.

For example, you could say, "The reason this article interests me is because it sheds light on the impact of economic changes on small communities like Vavenby. It highlights the challenges faced by the school board trustees in making difficult decisions to maintain their budget in the face of a declining population."

Moving on to #6, you need to elaborate on your thoughts about the subject chosen in the article. This is a chance for you to reflect on the topic and express your personal opinion or insights. Start by summarizing the main points or issues raised in the article, and then share your thoughts on the subject. You can discuss whether you agree or disagree with the decisions being made, provide suggestions for alternative approaches, or discuss the potential consequences of these actions.

For example, you might say, "In my opinion, the closure of Vavenby school raises concerns about the long-term impact on the community. While I understand the need to maintain the budget, it is important to consider the welfare and educational opportunities for the students affected. Perhaps exploring alternative solutions, such as collaborating with neighboring schools or investing in retraining programs for the adults, could help mitigate the challenges faced by Vavenby."

Remember to use clear and concise language, and try to support your thoughts with logical reasoning or evidence from the article if possible.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions. Good luck with your presentation!