what is the independen variable and the dependent variable for scientific method to how does air pressure in a tire save gas


In the scientific method, the independent variable is the factor or condition that is intentionally changed or manipulated by the experimenter. The dependent variable, on the other hand, is the factor that is observed, measured, or affected as a result of the changes made to the independent variable.

In the question of how air pressure in a tire affects gas mileage, the independent variable would be the air pressure in the tire, as this is the factor being intentionally changed. The dependent variable would be the gas mileage, as this is the factor that is observed or affected by the changes in air pressure.

To investigate how air pressure in a tire affects gas mileage, you could conduct an experiment by varying the air pressure in a tire and measuring the resulting gas mileage. For example, you might choose to test different air pressures such as 30 psi, 35 psi, and 40 psi, and then record the corresponding gas mileage for each pressure. By comparing the gas mileage at different air pressures, you can determine the relationship between air pressure and gas mileage, and whether higher or lower air pressure affects gas mileage in a meaningful way.