Why's Beneatha worried about Mama meeting Asagai?

Is it only because she knows Mama doesn't like people to see their house messy?

Beneatha is worried that Mama will ask about africa.

Beneatha is worried about Mama meeting Mr. Asagai because he is a Nigerian student with progressive ideas and Beneatha is impressed with Asagai and doesn’t want her mother to embarrass her in front of him

Why is beneatha worried about mama meeting with Mr. Asagai?

Beneatha's worry about Mama meeting Asagai goes beyond just the cleanliness of their house. Beneatha is actually concerned about how Mama will react to Asagai's cultural background and worldview.

To understand this, we will need to analyze Beneatha's character and her relationship with Asagai. Beneatha is portrayed as an independent and intellectual young woman who is searching for her own identity. She is drawn to Asagai because he represents her African heritage and shares her desire for social change. Asagai's Nigerian background and his strong belief in African culture greatly influence his perspective on life.

Beneatha worries that Mama, who is more traditional and conservative, may not appreciate Asagai's different values and ideas. She is concerned that Mama might view Asagai as strange or foreign. Additionally, Mama may not understand or appreciate Beneatha's attraction to Asagai's worldview.

So, while the tidiness of the house may be a minor concern, Beneatha's primary worry stems from the clash between Mama's traditional beliefs and Asagai's progressive ideas. She is anxious about how Mama's reaction could affect her relationship with Asagai and her own pursuit of identity and personal growth.