How do you represent each answer as an algebraic expression using the variable mentioned?

The charges for a telephone call are $0.45 for the first 3 minutes and $0.09 for each additional minute or part of a minute. Represent the cost of a telephone call that lasts "m" minutes, when "m" is greater than 3.

0.45 + 0.09 (m-3)= 0.09x + 0.18

It also works if m=3

If a worm can travel 1.5 meters per minute, how far can the worm travel in 8 minutes

To represent the cost of a telephone call that lasts "m" minutes, when "m" is greater than 3, we need to consider two cases: when the call lasts exactly 3 minutes, and when it lasts more than 3 minutes.

Case 1: When the call lasts exactly 3 minutes
The cost for the first 3 minutes is $0.45. So we can represent this as:
Cost = $0.45

Case 2: When the call lasts more than 3 minutes
For each additional minute or part of a minute, the cost is $0.09. Since the call lasts "m" minutes, when "m" is greater than 3, there are "m - 3" additional minutes. So we can represent this as:
Cost = $0.45 + ($0.09 * (m - 3))

In this representation, the variable "m" represents the duration of the call in minutes. We subtract 3 from "m" to consider only the additional minutes beyond the initial 3 minutes, and we multiply that difference by $0.09 to calculate the cost of those additional minutes. Lastly, we add the initial cost of $0.45 to get the total cost.