as the title of a song, which is correct;

"I've Learned From You"

"I've Learned from you"

"I've Learned From you"

"I've Leared from You"

Please note the spelling of GRAMMAR.

The first title is correct.

As the title of a song, the correct capitalization would depend on the specific rules and style guidelines set by the artist or songwriter. However, in general, it is common to use title case for song titles.

Title case typically involves capitalizing the first letter of each word in the title, except for articles (e.g., "the," "a," "an"), conjunctions (e.g., "and," "but," "or"), and prepositions (e.g., "from," "in," "on") unless they are the first or last word of the title.

Based on this rule, "I've Learned From You" would be the closest to proper title case. The first letter of each word is capitalized, with the exception of the lowercase preposition "from."

However, it's important to note that artistic expression allows for variations and unique stylizations in song titles. Therefore, the actual capitalization can still vary depending on the artist's intention and personal preference.