I'm having a lot of trouble in this class, and tonight we have to record differences and similarities of the Ummayad and the Abbasid empires... i have read the chapter and still can not find any differences, and we have to write of them with 3 example of specific evidence for each. plaease help!

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I'd be happy to help you with your assignment! Understanding the differences and similarities between the Umayyad and Abbasid empires can be challenging, but with some guidance, you'll be able to find the necessary information.

To start, let's review some steps to effectively find the differences and similarities between the two empires:

1. Review the textbook or any relevant readings: Revisiting the chapter you mentioned is a good starting point. Pay attention to sections that discuss the Umayyad and Abbasid empires, their rulers, religious aspects, governmental systems, and economic structures. Look for any hints that might highlight differences or similarities.

2. Take notes while reading: Creating notes as you read will help you organize your thoughts and pinpoint specific evidence later. Note down any particular characteristics, events, or policies related to each empire.

3. Compare and contrast: Once you have gathered information about both empires, start comparing and contrasting their characteristics. Look for similarities, differences, and connect them to specific evidence or examples.

Now, let's move on to some potential differences and similarities between the Umayyad and Abbasid empires. Keep in mind that these are just examples, and you may find others during your research:

1. Leadership and Succession:
- Umayyad Empire: The Umayyads practiced hereditary succession, meaning leadership passed down through familial ties.
- Abbasid Empire: In contrast, the Abbasids claimed the leadership by overthrowing the Umayyad dynasty, establishing a new ruling family.

2. Expansion and Conquest:
- Umayyad Empire: The Umayyads expanded their empire through conquest, reaching its greatest territorial extent, including Spain and parts of Central Asia.
- Abbasid Empire: The Abbasids focused more on consolidation and administration rather than aggressive expansion, limiting the empire's territorial reach.

3. Cultural Influence:
- Umayyad Empire: The Umayyad emperors placed significant importance on Arab culture and language, which became a dominant cultural force throughout their empire.
- Abbasid Empire: The Abbasids, on the other hand, played a crucial role in the preservation and translation of classical Greek and Roman texts, contributing to the flourishing of intellectual and scientific advancements.

Now, for each difference, you'll need to provide three examples or specific evidence that supports your statements. This evidence can be specific events, policies, or historical figures related to each empire. Use the information you gathered during your research to identify relevant examples for each of the differences listed above.

Similarly, you can follow the same steps to identify similarities between the two empires. Look for any common characteristics or shared policies between the Umayyad and Abbasid empires and support each similarity with specific evidence.

Remember, these are just starting points, and I encourage you to continue exploring your textbook or other academic resources to find additional differences and similarities. Good luck with your assignment!