how do I do 84m 15cm to centimeters?

1 meter = 100 centimeters.

84 m = 8400cm

8400 + 15 = ?


To convert 84 meters 15 centimeters to centimeters, you need to work with the units of length and apply the appropriate conversions.

First, convert the meters to centimeters. Since 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters, you can multiply 84 meters by 100 to get the equivalent in centimeters:

84 meters * 100 = 8400 centimeters

Next, add the 15 centimeters to get the final answer:

8400 centimeters + 15 centimeters = 8415 centimeters

Therefore, 84 meters 15 centimeters is equal to 8415 centimeters.