triangle AOB is a right angled triangle....(1.5, 2)is the midpoint co-ordinate of AB the co-ordinate of B is (2.5. 0)...

Find the height of point A reached by the the top of the triangle...

Could you show this step-by step please?

Rise over run. Going from 1.5 to 2.5 along the x axis caused the height to go from 2 to zero. Run=1, rise=-2. So going from 1.5 should to zero should raise the point up 3. Top of the triange is at 5.

Certainly! To find the height of point A, let's follow these steps:

Step 1: Plot the given points on a coordinate plane. The coordinates of point A are (1.5, 2), and the coordinates of point B are (2.5, 0). Label these points accordingly.

Step 2: Draw a line segment between points A and B, forming the base of the triangle.

Step 3: Since triangle AOB is a right-angled triangle, AOB forms a right angle at point O. Draw a perpendicular line from point B to the x-axis, intersecting at point H. This line represents the height of the triangle.

Step 4: To find the value of point H, determine the x-coordinate of point B and the y-coordinate of point A.

- The x-coordinate of point B is given as 2.5.
- The y-coordinate of point A is given as 2.

Step 5: Now, since the midpoint coordinates of AB have been given as (1.5, 2), we can use this information to find the value of the y-coordinate of point H.

- The y-coordinate of H = the average of the y-coordinates of points A and B.
- The y-coordinate of H = (y-coordinate of A + y-coordinate of B) / 2.

Plugging in the values:
- The y-coordinate of H = (2 + 0) / 2 = 1.

Step 6: Plot point H at its coordinates (2.5, 1). Now, the height of point A reached by the top of the triangle can be measured as the length between points A and H.

Step 7: Measure the length between points A and H, and that will give you the height of point A in the triangle.