A researcher interested in relationships developed a questionnaire that measures the degree of affection adult men feel for their fathers. She has found that for the general population the distribution is skewed to the right, the mean degree of affection is 60, and the standard deviation is 16. The researcher now is wondering if men who themselves have just become new fathers will score higher on the scale than men in general. She samples a group of 100 new fathers and finds that their mean is 64.5.

What is the shape of the comparison distribution?

I don't think you can say much about the shape of the comparison distribution; the center of the new sample is to the right of the original sample. That's all I've got.

To determine the shape of the comparison distribution, we need to consider that the distribution for the general population is skewed to the right.

The skewness to the right indicates that the tail of the distribution is on the right side and most of the scores are concentrated on the left side. In this case, it means that there are fewer men with higher degrees of affection for their fathers compared to those with lower degrees.

When comparing the scores of the group of new fathers to the general population, we can expect the comparison distribution to also be skewed to the right. This is because the new fathers may have higher scores than the general population, shifting the distribution towards the right.

In summary, the shape of the comparison distribution would be skewed to the right.