does spots mean commercial

i have tried dictionaries and online translators none of them know the word

where do you see this word? can i have the sentence?

Le gouvernement a décidé de programmer à nouveau ces spots sur les chaînes de radio et télé, accompagnés d'autres recommedations.

yes, it means "commercial"(in this sentence)


For future reference, when you need the translation of one word, always give the context, or exactly how it is used. That can make a huge difference!

Sra (aka Mme)

The word "spots" can have different meanings depending on the context. It could refer to small marks or blemishes on a surface, or it could have a specific meaning in certain fields like advertising or broadcasting.

To determine whether "spots" means "commercial," you need to consider the context in which the word is being used. In the advertising and broadcasting industry, "spots" typically refers to commercial advertisements that are aired on television, radio, or other media platforms.

If you are referring to an advertisement in a commercial context, then "spots" can indeed mean commercials. However, if you are referring to another context, such as spots on a surface, it would have a different meaning.

If you encounter unfamiliar words or phrases, dictionaries and online translators are usually helpful resources. However, in the case of specialized terms or industry jargon like "spots" in advertising, they may not always provide accurate or specific definitions.

In such cases, it can be helpful to search for reliable industry-specific sources or consult professionals or experts who have knowledge in the relevant field.