can someone please check my answer for me? thanks in advance


I got x=8

is this correct if not could you please tell me where I missed the step at?

It's right.

I checked it by substituting 8 for x in your original problem.

thank you

To check if your answer is correct, we can substitute the value of x that you obtained (x = 8) back into the original equation and see if both sides are equal.

Original equation: 9(x + 4) = 3(3x + 2) + 30

Substituting x = 8:

9(8 + 4) = 3(3(8) + 2) + 30

Now, let's simplify both sides of the equation:

Left side:
9(8 + 4) = 9(12) = 108

Right side:
3(3(8) + 2) + 30 = 3(26) + 30 = 78 + 30 = 108

Both sides are equal to 108, so your answer of x = 8 is correct. Well done!