what does this phrase say- "dejaste abandonada la illusion en mi corazon por ti"

left abandoned the illusion in my heart for you

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The phrase "dejaste abandonada la ilusión en mi corazón por ti" is in Spanish, and it translates to "you left the illusion abandoned in my heart because of you" in English. It expresses the idea that someone left behind a feeling of disappointment, sadness, or loss of hope in the speaker's heart due to their actions or behavior.

To translate phrases or sentences from one language to another, you can either use an online translator or follow these steps:

1. Identify the source language and the target language. In this case, the source language is Spanish, and the target language is English.
2. Break down the sentence into its individual components. This helps to ensure accuracy in translation.
3. Look up the meaning of each word in the source language and find their corresponding translations in the target language. You can use online dictionaries or language translation tools for this purpose.
4. Arrange the translated words in the target language in a grammatically correct way to form a coherent sentence.

Remember that translation can sometimes be context-dependent, and literal translations may not always capture the exact meaning or nuances of a phrase. It is helpful to take the broader context into account and consider the cultural aspects of the languages involved.