PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Your teacher is undoubtedly looking for YOUR opinions.

What do YOU think?

We'll be glad to comment on YOUR answers.

I think that some of the advantages would be having the right to vote, being involved in decisions while disadvantages would be the fact that there are more poor people in the wold, violence is greater, and the intolerance of difference (esp. when displayed by racisim)

A democracy also provides everyone with equal opportunities to succeed.

Another disadvantage is that democracy can be messy, as the current arguments over health care illustrate. A dictator tells people what to do -- and the job is done. It used to be said about Mussolini, Italy's fascist dictator in the 30s and 40s, that at least he made the trains run on time.

Thank you. I never heard of Mussolini.

You wrote --

I think that some of the advantages would be having the right to vote, being involved in decisions while disadvantages would be the fact that there are more poor people in the wold, violence is greater, and the intolerance of difference (esp. when displayed by racisim)

You should keep in mind that poverty, violence, intolerance, and racism have nothing to do with democracy! These exist everywhere, no matter the form of government.

Ms. Sue's points are correct.

Thank you for your response.

I'm here to help! Let's break down your questions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the current democratic system:
To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the democratic system, we first need to understand what it entails. The democratic system is characterized by the involvement of citizens in the decision-making process through voting and representation. Some potential advantages of a democratic system include:

1. Representation: Democracy ensures that citizens have a voice in governance, allowing them to elect representatives who will make decisions on their behalf.

2. Accountability: Democratic systems emphasize transparency and accountability, holding elected officials responsible for their actions through regular elections and checks and balances.

3. Protection of rights: Democracies often prioritize individual rights and freedoms, providing legal protections for citizens.

At the same time, there are some potential disadvantages of the democratic system:

1. Slower decision-making: Democracy typically involves multiple layers of decision-making, which can sometimes slow down the process, especially during periods of disagreement or gridlock.

2. Majority rule: In a pure democracy, the majority's preferences prevail. This can sometimes leave minority groups with less influence.

3. Voter apathy and manipulation: Low voter turnout or the manipulation of public opinion can undermine the effectiveness of democratic systems.

Now, let's move on to your second question.

Most and least presidential powers of the President:
In a presidential system, the President typically possesses various powers and responsibilities. Here are a few examples:

1. Most presidential powers:
- Executive authority: The President has the authority to execute and enforce laws, appoint key officials, and manage executive branch agencies.
- Commander-in-Chief: The President serves as the civilian head of the armed forces, with the power to make key military decisions.
- Veto power: The President can veto bills passed by Congress, although this can be overridden by a two-thirds majority vote in both houses.

2. Least presidential powers:
- Legislative authority: Although the President can propose legislation, the actual power to make laws lies with the Congress.
- Judicial authority: The President does not have direct control over the judicial branch. The Supreme Court, for example, operates independently.

It's important to note that the specific powers of the President can vary depending on the country and its constitution.

I hope this helps! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.