5 direct and indirect speeches

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i don`t know the question

Direct and indirect speech are two ways of reporting someone's words or statements. Direct speech refers to quoting the exact words spoken, while indirect speech reports the statement indirectly, using reporting verbs and making necessary changes.

To provide five examples of direct and indirect speeches, I am going to demonstrate how to convert a direct speech into an indirect speech.

Example 1:
Direct Speech -
Sarah said, "I am going to the park."
Indirect Speech -
Sarah said that she was going to the park.

Example 2:
Direct Speech -
Alex yelled, "I love ice cream!"
Indirect Speech -
Alex exclaimed that he loved ice cream.

Example 3:
Direct Speech -
Mark asked, "Can you lend me some money?"
Indirect Speech -
Mark asked if I could lend him some money.

Example 4:
Direct Speech -
Mary said, "I will be late for the meeting."
Indirect Speech -
Mary said that she would be late for the meeting.

Example 5:
Direct Speech -
John whispered, "I saw a ghost last night."
Indirect Speech -
John whispered that he had seen a ghost the previous night.

In each example, the sentence in direct speech is converted to the indirect speech format. Note that changes such as tense, pronouns, and adverbials are made to reflect the shift from direct to indirect speech.