How can I write transition sentences? Any examples? Thanks.

Check these two sites for excellent examples and an explanation of how to write transitional sentences.

To write effective transition sentences, you need to ensure that your writing flows smoothly from one idea to the next. Here are some steps and examples to help you master the art of writing transition sentences:

1. Identify the relationship between your ideas: Determine how the ideas in your paragraphs are connected. They could be contrasting, similar, cause and effect, chronological, or emphasizing a specific point.

2. Choose appropriate transition words or phrases: Transition words or phrases serve as connectors between ideas. They help guide your reader through your writing and create coherence. Some commonly used transition words include "however," "therefore," "in addition," and "for example."

3. Place the transition sentence strategically: Your transition sentence should come at the end of one paragraph and link it to the next. It should smoothly transition the reader's focus from one idea to the next.


Contrasting: Despite his initial reservations, John decided to join the hiking group for the adventure.

Similar: Likewise, Sarah enjoys playing basketball as much as she loves running.

Cause and effect: The heavy rainfall resulted in severe flooding throughout the city.

Chronological: Over the years, technology has evolved at a remarkable pace. First, there were desktop computers, then laptops, and now we have smartphones that can perform almost any task.

Emphasis: Indeed, volunteering not only benefits the community but also provides personal growth and fulfillment.

Remember, the key to writing effective transition sentences is to clearly convey the relationship between your ideas and ensure a smooth flow throughout your writing.