In the figure below, a slide loving pig slides down a certain 18° slide in twice the time it would take to slide down a frictionless 18° slide. What is the coefficient of kinetic friction between the pig and the slide?

Explanation would be helpful.

A description of the figure would also be useful!

To find the coefficient of kinetic friction between the pig and the slide, we need to use the concept of inclined planes and Newton's laws of motion. Here's how you can approach this problem:

1. Draw a diagram: Start by drawing a diagram of the situation, with the inclined plane, the pig sliding down, and the forces acting on it.

2. Identify the forces: The forces acting on the pig are the weight (mg) acting vertically downwards and the friction force (F) acting parallel to the incline. Note that the normal force (N) acts perpendicular to the incline.

3. Set up equations of motion: Break the weight vector into components parallel and perpendicular to the incline. The component parallel to the incline is mgsin(θ), and the component perpendicular to the incline is mgcos(θ), where θ is the angle of the incline.

4. Apply Newton's second law: Since the pig is sliding with a uniform velocity, the acceleration is zero. So, the net force on the pig is zero. Write the equation for the net force along the incline, accounting for friction: F - mgsin(θ) = 0.

5. Determine the relationship between time and distance: The problem states that the pig slides down the slide in twice the time it would take on a frictionless slide. This implies that the distance traveled on the frictionless slide is half of the distance traveled on the slide with friction. Let's call the distance traveled on the frictionless slide d1 and the distance traveled on the slide with friction d2.

6. Apply the equations of motion: For the frictionless slide, the equation of motion is d1 = (1/2)gt^2, where g is the acceleration due to gravity and t is the time taken. For the slide with friction, the equation of motion is d2 = (1/2)(F/m + g) t^2.

7. Set up the equation using the given information: We have d2 = 2d1 and t2 = 2t1, where t2 and t1 represent the time taken to slide down the slide with friction and the frictionless slide, respectively. Substitute these values into the equations of motion and rearrange to obtain an equation in terms of F.

8. Solve for F: Solve the equation to find the value of F, which represents the frictional force acting on the pig.

9. Calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction: Finally, calculate the coefficient of kinetic friction (μ) using the equation F = μN, where N is the normal force.

By following these steps, you can determine the coefficient of kinetic friction between the pig and the slide.