farming in south asia consists of

A)mostly huge plantations
B)mechanized frams
C)*subsistence farming and cash crops
D)subsistence farming only


The correct answer is C) subsistence farming and cash crops.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the different types of farming practices in South Asia and eliminate the incorrect options.

A) Mostly huge plantations: While large plantations do exist in some parts of South Asia, particularly for cash crops like tea, coffee, rubber, and spices, they do not represent the predominant form of farming in the region. Therefore, option A is not the correct answer.

B) Mechanized farms: Mechanized farms are characterized by the use of machinery and advanced technology for agricultural activities. While mechanization is prevalent in some parts of South Asia, it is not the dominant form of farming and is primarily found in commercial agriculture. Consequently, option B is not the correct answer.

C) Subsistence farming and cash crops: Subsistence farming refers to when farmers grow crops mainly to meet the needs of their own families, with little surplus for sale. This form of farming is widely practiced across South Asia due to the prevalent rural agrarian lifestyle and limited access to markets. Additionally, cash crops, which are grown for sale and income generation, are also significant in the region. Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

D) Subsistence farming only: Option D suggests that South Asia only practices subsistence farming without any cash crop cultivation. However, as stated before, cash crops are also an essential aspect of farming in the region. Hence, option D is not the correct answer.

In summary, farming in South Asia consists of a combination of subsistence farming (for self-sufficiency) and cash crops (for income generation), making option C the correct choice.