IN an investigation 3 plants each receive the same amount of sunlight, ut different aounts of water. WHat is the control in the investigation?

So the water in this question is the dependant variable. So the sunlight is the controlled variable in this investigation. Yes?

See the other link posted to your second post.

The control in this investigation is the plant that receives the same amount of sunlight and water as the other plants. The purpose of having a control is to establish a baseline for comparison. By keeping one plant under the same conditions as the others, except for the variable being tested (in this case, the amount of water), any differences observed in the growth or health of the plants can be attributed to the varying amounts of water and not to other factors like sunlight or temperature.

To determine the control in this investigation, you would need to identify which plant received the same amount of sunlight and water as the other plants. This could be achieved by assigning different amounts of water to the plants, while making sure to keep one of them consistent with the others. You would then observe and compare the growth and health of the plants over time to analyze the impact of different water amounts. The plant receiving the same amount of water as the others would be considered the control.