is coffee an alkali or an acid?

I have always heard that coffee is acidic.

I agree, E.G. Coffee is acidic.

Just to add something to the mixture (no pun intended), the article by Ms. Sue suggests that coffee is acid BECAUSE it makes urine acid. Here is a site that contains a good bit more of the chemistry involved, including effects of roasting etc. In fact, a relatively large number of acids have been isolated from coffee beans which suggests it is acid initially and need not be metabolized by the body to make it acid.

I agree that the cofee is acidic.

Coffee is generally considered to be acidic. It has a pH level between 4 and 5, which means it falls into the acidic range on the pH scale. However, it's important to note that the acidity of coffee can vary depending on factors such as the brewing method, roast level, and specific coffee bean variety.

To determine if a substance is acidic or alkaline, you can use pH testing strips or a pH meter. These tools measure the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution, which indicates its acidity or alkalinity.

Alternatively, you can also research the pH level of a substance. Many common foods and beverages, including coffee, have been tested and their pH values are widely available in scientific literature or online resources.