clouds that look like fluffy cotton balls are known as?

Cumulus clouds!

I agree with Carol.

Clouds that look like fluffy cotton balls are known as cumulus clouds. Here's how you can find the answer to your question:

1. Observe the Appearance: Cumulus clouds often have a distinct dome-like shape with a rounded and puffy appearance, resembling a cotton ball. Their edges are well-defined and often have a bright white color.

2. Research Cloud Classification: Clouds are classified into different types based on their shape, altitude, and characteristics. Cumulus clouds are one of the main cloud types described by the International Cloud Atlas.

3. Consult Reputable Sources: Look for information from trusted sources such as meteorological websites, textbooks, or scientific articles. These sources will provide reliable and accurate information about cloud types and their characteristics.

Remember, being curious and observant while also utilizing reliable resources is the key to finding answers to your questions.