I am having trouble with algerbra.

simplifying expressions.
e.g. write an equation to represent the following situation. Where is the best place to look this up for a beginner? e.g. N+5=23
T=3H where T represents Tobys weight.
The adult weighed three times as much as the child A = 3 *c

you might want to elaborate more. What exactly is your question? A maths problem sum, or "where is the best palce to look this up..."?

To simplify algebraic expressions, you can follow these steps:

1. Combine like terms: Look for terms with the same variable raised to the same power. For example, in the expression 3x + 2x, the like terms are 3x and 2x, which can be combined to get 5x.

2. Use the order of operations: Remember to follow the order of operations, which is parentheses, exponents, multiplication and division (from left to right), and addition and subtraction (from left to right). This will help you simplify expressions correctly.

For getting started with algebra and learning how to write equations, there are several resources available for beginners. Here are a few options:

1. Online tutorials and lessons: Websites like Khan Academy, MathisFun, and Purplemath offer free tutorials and lessons on algebra and simplifying expressions. They provide step-by-step explanations and examples to help you understand the concepts.

2. Video tutorials: Platforms like YouTube have numerous video tutorials on algebra and simplifying expressions. You can search for specific topics or watch complete courses to enhance your understanding.

3. Math textbooks: Check your local library or bookstore for beginner-level math textbooks that cover algebra. These textbooks usually have chapters dedicated to simplifying expressions with examples and practice problems.

4. Math forums and communities: Joining online math forums or communities can be helpful as well. You can ask questions, seek advice, and learn from experienced math enthusiasts or educators.

Remember, practice is key when it comes to algebra. Solve as many practice problems as you can to solidify your understanding and improve your skills.