I really don't get this question

''without the english Civil war, democracy would never have developed.''make a case for or against this statement. give evidence to support your case.

I really don't know how to do this

First, you need to think about the reasons democracy developed after the English Civil War.

How many of the reasons can be directly tied to Cromwell, Charles and the war?

How many reasons can be directly tied to other causes?

Then decide whether you think the statement is true.

I think that this statement is true but I am still not so sure

the civil war established that an elected parliament had power over a king

did you ever find an answer?

I understand that this question may seem challenging at first. To analyze and develop a case for or against the statement "without the English Civil War, democracy would never have developed," it's important to consider historical events, causes, and effects. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to approach this question and gather evidence to support your argument:

1. Understand the English Civil War: Familiarize yourself with the key details of the English Civil War, which took place from 1642 to 1651. Understand the causes, major players, and outcomes of the conflict.

2. Define democracy: Develop a clear understanding of what democracy entails. Consider its key principles, such as citizen participation in government, protection of individual rights, and rule of law.

3. Analyze pre-Civil War England: Examine the political, social, and economic situation in England before the war. Consider the structure of government, the power of the monarchy, and the rights and freedoms of the people. Look for signs or examples of democratic developments or movements.

4. Examine the catalysts for change: Explore the factors that led to the outbreak of the English Civil War. Consider issues such as the struggle between the monarchy and Parliament, religious tensions, and social inequalities. Look for indications of democratic aspirations or opposition to monarchical rule.

5. Evaluate the impact of the war: Assess the consequences of the English Civil War on English society, politics, and governance. Consider the changes that occurred, such as the execution of King Charles I, the rise of Oliver Cromwell, and the establishment of the Commonwealth and Protectorate. Determine whether these changes contributed to the development of democratic principles.

6. Compare with other historical contexts: Examine other countries or periods in history where democracy developed without experiencing a civil war. Look for commonalities or contrasting factors to support your case for or against the statement.

7. Gather evidence: Support your argument with specific evidence by citing historical documents, speeches, scholarly articles, or expert opinions. You can explore primary sources from the time period, such as parliamentary debates, royal proclamations, or pamphlets that offer insights into the people's aspirations or political developments.

Remember that there are no absolute right or wrong answers in historical analysis, as interpretations can vary. The goal is to present a well-reasoned and evidence-backed argument, drawing on historical context and examples.