The closest relatives of the familiar pine and spruce trees are ________.

elms, maples, aspens
hornworts, liverworts, mosses
gnetophytes, cycads, ginkgoes
ferns, horsetails, lycophytes, club mosses

Gnetophytes, Cycads, and Ginkgos.

To find the closest relatives of pine and spruce trees, we need to understand their classification and look for plants that belong to the same group. Pine and spruce trees are both part of the gymnosperm group, which refers to plants that bear their seeds in cones. To identify their closest relatives, we can consider other plants that also fall into the gymnosperm category.

Looking at the options provided, ferns, horsetails, lycophytes, and club mosses do not belong to the gymnosperm group. Thus, we can rule out that option.

Gnetophytes, cycads, and ginkgoes are part of the gymnosperm group, making them potential candidates. Gnetophytes are a group of vascular plants that include species like Ephedra and Welwitschia. Cycads, on the other hand, are palm-like plants found in tropical and subtropical regions. Ginkgoes are a unique group of gymnosperms that have fan-shaped leaves.

Comparing the options, elms, maples, and aspens, and hornworts, liverworts, and mosses, do not fall into the gymnosperm category. Therefore, we can conclude that the closest relatives of pine and spruce trees are gnetophytes, cycads, and ginkgoes.

The closest relatives of the familiar pine and spruce trees are gnetophytes, cycads, and ginkgoes.