I am a non-metal.

I belong to the Halogen family.
I am not the largest or smallest atom in my group.
My first ionization energy is greater than that of iodine.
I am not a gas at room temperature.
What element am I?

Based on the given information, the element is Chlorine (Cl).

To identify the element based on the provided information, we need to go through each clue one by one.

1. You are a non-metal: This narrows down the possibilities to the elements found on the right side of the periodic table.

2. You belong to the Halogen family: The Halogens include fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine.

3. You are not the largest or smallest atom in your group: Fluorine (F) is the smallest atom among the Halogens, while astatine (At) is the largest atom. So, we can eliminate fluorine and astatine.

4. Your first ionization energy is greater than that of iodine: Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom. Since you have a higher first ionization energy than iodine, we can eliminate iodine (I) from the remaining options.

5. You are not a gas at room temperature: Bromine (Br) is a reddish-brown liquid at room temperature, which means it is not a gas. This leaves us with chlorine (Cl) as the only option.

Therefore, based on the given information, you are chlorine (Cl).

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