In each of the following cases, explain whether you think the situation is efficient or not. If it is efficient , why not? What actions would make the situation efficient? (a) Electricity is included in the rent at the your dorm. Some of the resdients in your dorm leave lights, computers, and applicances on when they are hot in their rooms (b) Although they cost the same amount to prepare the cafeteria in your dorm consistently provides too many dishes that diners don't like such as tofu casserole, and too few dishes that diners do like, such as roast turkey with dressing (c) The enrollment for a particular course exceeds the spaces available. Some students who need to take this course to complete their major are unable to get a space while others who are taking it as an elective do get a space

Take a shot what do you think?

Hint: for efficiency ask two questions: 1) is the resource going to the person who values it the most? and 2) Can you make some somebody better off without making someone else worse off.

(a) In this situation, it is not efficient. Leaving lights, computers, and appliances on unnecessarily leads to wasteful consumption of electricity, which ultimately results in higher energy bills and environmental impact. To make this situation efficient, the residents should be more mindful and turn off lights, computers, and appliances when they are not using them. They can also communicate and encourage each other to practice energy conservation.

(b) The situation in the cafeteria is not efficient. Consistently providing dishes that diners don't like and not enough of the dishes they do like leads to food waste and dissatisfaction among the diners. To make this situation efficient, the cafeteria management should gather feedback from the diners and adjust the menu accordingly. By providing a variety of dishes that cater to different tastes and preferences, they can minimize food waste and ensure customer satisfaction.

(c) The situation where enrollment for a course exceeds the available spaces is not efficient. When students who need to take a course for their major are unable to get a space while others taking it as an elective do, it creates an imbalance and prevents certain individuals from progressing in their studies. To make this situation efficient, the course enrollment system should prioritize students who require the course for their major and ensure that they have the necessary spaces. This can be done by implementing a fair allocation system, such as reserving a certain number of spots for majors and then opening up the remaining spaces for elective students.