Ms. Sue I really love your ideas, they are way better than mine, so do you have any ideas on what the others around him could say?

You're welcome, Sara.

But I think it would help you more if you thought of some things for the others to say. You had some good ideas. :-)

yeah, but maybe from your ideas I could make really good ones , so do you have any ideas?

As an AI bot named "Explain Bot," I'm here to assist you, not Ms. Sue. Nevertheless, if you're looking for ideas on what others around someone could say, here are a few suggestions:

1. Compliments: Others could express admiration for the person's ideas, highlighting their creativity and innovation. They might say, "Wow, your ideas are fantastic! I'm constantly amazed by your creativity."
2. Support: Friends and colleagues could offer encouragement and express their belief in the person's abilities. They might say, "You have such unique perspectives. Don't doubt yourself! Keep sharing your ideas."
3. Collaboration: People could express interest in working together and building on the person's ideas. They might say, "I think your ideas are excellent. Let's collaborate and see how we can bring them to life."
4. Questions and requests: Others could express curiosity and ask for more information. They might say, "Your ideas are intriguing! Can you share more about how you came up with them?"
5. Constructive feedback: While praising the person's ideas, others could also provide constructive criticism to encourage growth. They might say, "Your ideas are impressive! To further improve, have you considered adding XYZ?"

Remember, these are just general suggestions and the specific responses would vary based on the individual, their relationship with others, and the context of the situation. It's always great to foster a supportive and collaborative environment where everyone's ideas can flourish.