Your manager at work has advised you that you and two of your coworkers will be visiting a branch of your company in another country. Select a country that you would like to learn more about. Then, conduct an Internet or library search regarding the nonverbal and verbal communication styles in this country.

-Write a memo to the manager in the scenario summarizing your findings and explaining how you would use the information to enhance communication during your visit to this country.

My question is can some PLEASE!!! help me with a begining or aleast just a starting that i can work with


The first thing you need to do is choose a foreign country. How about Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Spain, Russia, China, Japan, Mexico, or Brazil?

Second, research your country. On the internet, you can Google such terms as say, Egypt business communications or Mexico customs. Keep searching til you find information about the communication styles of your country.

After you learned about how business is conducted in your country, write a memo to your supervisor explaining your findings.

The customer service department at Electric Supply Company is excited to be the department chosen to visit our sister company in England for a month. We had a department meeting to determine who would be accompanying me on this trip. After a long discussion with each team member, it was decided that Beth and Kerry would be exceptional communicators in a foreign country.

We have been preparing and studying for the past few months. You will be proud of the efforts this department has put forth to learn about the differences and similarities between our two cultures. A business associate who recently traveled to England on business suggested we study the book, Global Etiquette Business.
The book has served as a guide to help us understand business etiquette in England. Nonverbal communication is an important factor when conducting business. When a person does not understand the culture, it is easy to misinterpret the message. One example we found is to not use irony or humor in the office environment because it is not accepted as it is in our culture. Irony and humor is reserved for social situations in England. Another thing we learned is that business attire is more casual in their work environment. Therefore, we will not be taking any business suits with us on this trip. A simple hand gesture can be a terrible misunderstanding between our cultures. We are accustomed to a thumb up signal meaning all right or good job. In England the thumb up signal means the same as the f word to us. A routine greeting when women enter a room is for the men to stand. I personally think it is a nice form of respect. While we have learned many things about what to expect on our trip, one tool has been valuable in our preparations.

It is important to be fully aware of our nonverbal and verbal communication. We decided to video ourselves in a group interaction then have an outside party critique and offer feedback. My business associate who recommended that we read Global Etiquette Business is the outside party offering feedback to us since he has been on a recent business trip to England. His feedback has been valuable to our steps in preparing for the trip. One important point he made is when it is appropriate to speak, and when it would not be appropriate to speak. He also commented on what is considered to be acceptable talk and what is not. Another point he noted was for us to be mindful of other’s personal space and to not invade it.

In closing, Mr. Jones, I would like to reassure you that the best possible team will be visiting our facility in England and we anticipate successful, long-term relationships to be formed. I will stay in contact with you while we are out of the country, but in the meantime if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me immediately.

Sure! Here's a starting point for your memo:

[Your Name]
[Your Position]

Dear [Manager's Name],

RE: Nonverbal and Verbal Communication Styles in [Country]

I hope this email finds you well. As per our recent discussion, I have conducted research on the nonverbal and verbal communication styles in [Country] in order to better prepare for our upcoming visit. I would like to share my findings and propose strategies to enhance communication during our visit.

Nonverbal Communication Styles:

During my research, I discovered that nonverbal communication plays a significant role in [Country]. The following are some key observations:

1. Body Language: [Country] tends to value personal space, and it is important to maintain a respectful distance when engaging in conversations. Additionally, certain gestures may have different meanings or be considered disrespectful, so it is vital to be aware of these cultural nuances.

2. Eye Contact: [Country] has specific norms regarding eye contact. Direct eye contact may be interpreted differently, with excessive or prolonged eye contact potentially seen as intrusive or aggressive. It is recommended to strike a balance that shows attentiveness without making others uncomfortable.

Verbal Communication Styles:

Understanding verbal communication styles in [Country] is equally important. Here are a few points to note:

1. Politeness and Formality: [Country] places great importance on politeness and formality in communication. It is customary to address colleagues and superiors by their titles or surnames, especially in professional settings. Using appropriate honorifics and respectful language will help establish rapport and show cultural sensitivity.

2. Indirect Communication: [Country] is known for its indirect communication style. Instead of directly expressing disagreement or criticism, individuals often choose a more subtle approach, using tactful language or raising concerns indirectly. As visitors, we should be attentive to these nuances and adjust our communication accordingly.

Enhancing Communication during our Visit:

In light of the above findings, I recommend the following strategies to enhance communication during our visit to [Country]:

1. Cultural Sensitivity Training: Conduct a brief training session for the team to familiarize ourselves with the nonverbal and verbal communication styles in [Country]. This will help raise awareness and minimize potential misunderstandings.

2. Engage Local Interpreters: Consider arranging for local interpreters during meetings or important discussions. Their presence will not only facilitate accurate translation but also help navigate any cultural differences in communication styles.

3. Observe and Learn: Encourage the team to actively observe and learn from their interactions with local colleagues. By paying attention to the communication cues exhibited by our hosts, we can adapt our own behavior to ensure effective communication.

I am confident that implementing these strategies will significantly enhance our communication during our visit to [Country] and foster stronger relationships with our colleagues there. I look forward to your feedback and any additional suggestions you may have.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[Your Name]
[Your Position]