what would I say on it like what would the comic thing be?

and what would charles be saying, something like please forgive me

please help

please check the my earlier reposts

You could picture him kneeling before the cross in the chapel -- with his fingers crossed behind his back.

I think it's possible that Charles wanted a more traditional Church of England because it would be more support for the king. He may not have been that religious.

oh thanks but what would I say like in bubbles for him? and for the people around him?

How about, "Dear God, we want to worship you in our old traditional way."

The others around him could be whispering or giggling behind their hands.

oh thank you so much Mrs. Sue, you are the bset.

could the others around him say poor guy ha ha ha, and or that's too bad ha ha ha, what do you think the others could say?

Yes, you could do it that way. :-)

yeah, but your ideas are way better, so do you have any ideas on what the others around him could say?

To clarify, are you asking for suggestions on what the content of a comic strip could be? If so, here's a small example scenario:

Comic Panel 1:
- Scene: Charles accidentally spills coffee on his coworker's laptop.
- Caption: Charles in a panic, thinking, "Oh no, I've ruined everything!"

Comic Panel 2:
- Scene: Charles apologizing to his coworker.
- Caption: Charles saying, "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!"

Comic Panel 3:
- Scene: Charles offering to help clean up the mess.
- Caption: Charles asking, "Can I do anything to make it right?"

Regarding your other request, could you please provide more context about what earlier reposts you would like me to check? Thank you!