Simplify: 9xy/15yz

Thanks that is what i got

cancel out the ys and divide 9/15 by 3 which equals 3x/5z

To simplify the expression 9xy/15yz, we can divide both the numerator (9xy) and the denominator (15yz) by their greatest common factor (GCF).

The GCF of 9xy and 15yz can be found by determining the largest factor that both terms share. In this case, the GCF of 9xy and 15yz is 3y because it is the largest factor that both terms have in common.

Dividing the numerator and denominator by 3y, we get:

(9xy)/(15yz) = (3y * 3x) / (3y * 5z)

Now, we can cancel out the common terms in the numerator and denominator:

(3y * 3x) / (3y * 5z) = (3x) / (5z)

Therefore, the simplified form of 9xy/15yz is 3x/5z.