what role did native americans play in the French and INdian war? please dnt give me any websites for some reason my computer won't open them up.

Then, I guess you're stuck with reading your textbook or going to the library.

The indians played such a major role in the french and indian war its absurd. For one they killed off all the darks Thank god.

The Native Americans played a significant role in the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Years' War. They were instrumental in shaping the outcome of the conflict as they formed alliances with European powers and participated in military operations. To understand their role, let's break down how you can gather information without accessing websites:

1. **Books or Educational Materials:** Check if you have any textbooks, history books, or encyclopedias available. Look for sections or chapters discussing the French and Indian War, which should include information about the involvement of Native Americans.

2. **Documentaries or Films:** If you have access to documentaries, historical films, or educational videos, they often provide visual representations and explanations of historical events. Look for documentaries focused on colonial America or the French and Indian War specifically.

3. **Library:** Consider visiting your local library, where you can access books and resources related to the French and Indian War. Librarians can guide you to relevant sections or recommend suitable books on the topic.

4. **Interviews or Oral Histories:** Seek out interviews, documentaries, or books that collect the oral histories of Native American communities. These sources can offer insights into the perspectives and experiences of Native Americans during the war.

5. **Ask Elders or Local Experts:** If you have connections to Indigenous communities or historians in your area, you may ask them about Native American involvement in the French and Indian War. Elders and local experts often hold valuable knowledge about their community's history.

When researching any historical topic, it's essential to consult multiple sources to get a comprehensive understanding. Combining different mediums and perspectives will help you form a more well-rounded answer to your question.