collect like terms.

11/13u + 3/13v - 9/13u + 14/13u

answer I got was

2/13u + 17/13v

is this correct?

I don't see how you got that answer. Your original problem has only one term with v.

11/13u + 14/13u - 9/13u = 16/13u

16/13u - 3/13v

I missed a step Thank you

You're welcome.

To collect like terms, you need to combine the terms that have the same variable and exponent. In this case, the like terms are the terms with the variable "u".

The given terms are:
11/13u, -9/13u, and 14/13u.

To collect the like terms, you add or subtract the coefficients of the terms with the same variable. In this case, add the coefficients of the "u" terms:
11/13u - 9/13u + 14/13u

= (11 - 9 + 14)/13u

= 16/13u

So, the correct answer is 16/13u, not 2/13u as you mentioned. The coefficient of "v" remains the same since there are no other terms with "v" to combine.

Therefore, the final answer should be 16/13u + 3/13v.