A reservior has a rectangluar base measuring 120 feet by 40 feet and is 9 feet deep.Find the area of the base and the amount of water the reservior holds when it is full.



Area of Base = Width * Length = 120 * 40

The volume = 120 * 40 * 9 cubic feet.

Does the question want the answer in cubic feet or gallons? How many gallons (a liquid unit) are there in a cubic foot of volume?

I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.

To find the area of the base of the reservoir, you need to multiply its length by its width.

Area of the rectangular base = length x width

In this case, the length of the base is given as 120 feet, and the width is given as 40 feet. Therefore:

Area of the base = 120 ft x 40 ft
= 4800 square feet

To find the amount of water the reservoir holds when it is full, you need to consider the volume of the reservoir. The volume of a rectangular prism (which represents the reservoir) is found by multiplying its base area by its height.

Volume of the reservoir = Area of the base x height

In this case, the height of the reservoir is given as 9 feet. Therefore:

Volume of the reservoir = 4800 square feet x 9 feet
= 43200 cubic feet

So, when the reservoir is full, it can hold 43200 cubic feet of water.