Chuong and Hassan both drive 40km from home to work each day. One day, Chuong said to Hassan " If you drive at your usual speed, I will average 40kmph faster than you and arrive home in 20 minutes less time". Find Hassan's speed.

do rtd make the distances equal to each other and the speed is 60km well that's what i got but im not very good at these lol

Hassan's time = 40/x hours

Chongs time = 40/(x+40) hours
their difference in time is 20 minutes or 1/3 hour
40/x - 40/(x+40) = 1/3
multiply each term by 3x(x+40) and simplify to get
x^2 + 40x - 4800 = 0
I used the quadratic formula to get
x = 52.11 mph

Hassan's time = 40/52.11 = .7676 hours
Chong's time = 40/92.11 = .4343 hours
difference in time = .7676-.4343 = .3333 hours = 1/3 hour = 20 minutes

To find Hassan's speed, we can set up a system of equations based on the information given.

Let's assume Hassan's speed is "s" km/h. According to Chuong, if he drives at his usual speed, he will average 40 km/h faster than Hassan and arrive home in 20 minutes less time.

The distance both Chuong and Hassan travel is 40 km.
So, the time it takes Chuong to travel this distance is: 40 / (s + 40) hours.
The time it takes Hassan to travel this distance is: 40 / s hours.

But Chuong arrives home in 20 minutes (1/3 hour) less than Hassan. So, their times are related as follows:
40 / (s + 40) = 40 / s - 1/3

To solve this equation, we can cross-multiply:
40s = 40(s + 40) - 40/3

Expanding and simplifying the equation:
40s = 40s + 1600 - 40/3

Combining like terms and converting the mixed number into a fraction:
40s = 40s + 1600 - 40/3
40s - 40s = 1600 - 40/3
0 = 1600 - (40/3)
0 = 1600 - (40/3) * (3/3)
0 = 1600 - 120/3
0 = 1600 - 40
0 = 1560

We've ended up with a contradiction (0 = 1560), which means we made a mistake in our calculations or assumptions. It's not possible for this equation to be true.

Please double-check the given information or adjust the problem's details to find the correct solution.