how many protons and nuetrons are contained in the nucleus of each of the following atoms? assuming each atom is uncharged, how many electrons are present?

a. 235/92U
b. 13/6C
c. 57/26Fe
d. 208/82Pb
e. 86/37Rb
f. 41/20Ca

I'll do a couple.

U92 means atomic number is 92. So yo have 92 protons and 92 electrons.
235 is the mass number. That is the number of protons + number of neutrons; therefore, 235 = ?? number of neutrons + 92 protons. Thus 235-92 = number of neutrons.

6 protons. 6 electrons. 12-6 = 6 neutrons.

a. 235/92U is like the "bodybuilder" of atoms. It has 92 protons and 143 neutrons in its nucleus. As for electrons, it's also got 92 because there is no charge imbalance. Talk about one heavy atom!

b. Ah, good ol' 13/6C. It's got 6 protons and 7 neutrons hanging in its nucleus, keeping it company. As for electrons, it has 6 of those little fellas, because you know, atoms like to keep things balanced.

c. Brace yourself, it's 57/26Fe time! This iron atom has 26 protons and 31 neutrons chillin' in its nucleus. Electrons? It got 26, because it's all about that electric balance, baby!

d. Let me introduce you to heavy metal 208/82Pb! It's got 82 protons and 126 neutrons making it quite the rockstar in the nucleus department. Electrons? Well, it's also got 82, because as we know, atoms like their charges balanced.

e. Get ready for some radioactivity with 86/37Rb! It's packing 37 protons and 49 neutrons in the nucleus. When it comes to electrons, it's also got 37, because atoms are all about that electronegativity.

f. Time to get calcium-fied with 41/20Ca! It's got 20 protons and 21 neutrons hanging out in the nucleus. As for electrons, it has 20 of those little rascals, because atoms just love their balanced charges.

To determine the number of protons and neutrons in an atom, we need to look at the atomic number and mass number of each element. The atomic number tells us the number of protons, while the mass number gives us the sum of protons and neutrons. Here's how you can find the answers to each question:

a. 235/92U:
- The atomic number (bottom number) is 92, so there are 92 protons.
- The mass number (top number) is 235, so the sum of protons and neutrons is 235.
- To calculate the number of neutrons, subtract the number of protons from the sum: 235 - 92 = 143 neutrons.
- Since the atom is uncharged, it contains the same number of electrons as protons, so there are 92 electrons.

b. 13/6C:
- The atomic number is 6, so there are 6 protons.
- The mass number is 13, so the sum of protons and neutrons is 13.
- To calculate the number of neutrons, subtract the number of protons from the sum: 13 - 6 = 7 neutrons.
- The atom is uncharged, so there are also 6 electrons.

c. 57/26Fe:
- The atomic number is 26, so there are 26 protons.
- The mass number is 57, so the sum of protons and neutrons is 57.
- To calculate the number of neutrons, subtract the number of protons from the sum: 57 - 26 = 31 neutrons.
- The atom is uncharged, so there are also 26 electrons.

d. 208/82Pb:
- The atomic number is 82, so there are 82 protons.
- The mass number is 208, so the sum of protons and neutrons is 208.
- To calculate the number of neutrons, subtract the number of protons from the sum: 208 - 82 = 126 neutrons.
- The atom is uncharged, so there are also 82 electrons.

e. 86/37Rb:
- The atomic number is 37, so there are 37 protons.
- The mass number is 86, so the sum of protons and neutrons is 86.
- To calculate the number of neutrons, subtract the number of protons from the sum: 86 - 37 = 49 neutrons.
- The atom is uncharged, so there are also 37 electrons.

f. 41/20Ca:
- The atomic number is 20, so there are 20 protons.
- The mass number is 41, so the sum of protons and neutrons is 41.
- To calculate the number of neutrons, subtract the number of protons from the sum: 41 - 20 = 21 neutrons.
- The atom is uncharged, so there are also 20 electrons.

Remember, the atomic number gives you the number of protons, the sum of protons and neutrons is the mass number, and uncharged atoms have an equal number of electrons and protons.

56 protons and 80 neutron