This is an paragraph that was in are textbook. How would I sum this up but still capture what it is saying. I find it to be kind of confusing and I don't understand what it is saying. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You!

Chesapeake tobacco and Caribbean and Brazilian sugar were shipped to Europe, where they were in demand. The profits paid for African laborers and European manufactured goods. The African Coastal rulers received their payment for slave cargoes in European manufactures and East Indian textiles. Europeans purchased slaves from Africa for resale in their colonies and acquired sugar and tobacco from America and dispatched their manufactuerers everywhere.

This animation should help you understand this paragraph.

This paragraph describes a trade system involving various goods and regions. Tobacco from Chesapeake and sugar from the Caribbean and Brazil were sent to Europe because there was high demand for them. The profits from selling these goods were used to pay for African laborers and European manufactured goods. The African rulers along the coastal areas received payment for selling slaves in the form of European goods and textiles from East India. Europeans bought slaves from Africa and sold them in their colonies, while also obtaining sugar and tobacco from America. These goods were then sent to different parts of the world by European manufacturers. Overall, this paragraph highlights the interconnectedness of different regions and the economic activities that took place between them.