If you were a Native American in 1492 how might your opinion of Columbus changed?

(Not a homework question just curious of your opinion)

At first, I'd probably be both curious and frightened at his strangeness. Then when I saw that he meant me harm I'd be scared and angry.

I'd be scared, mostly bc he looked different from what THEY looked like, and he was new to the land and VERY strange.

As an AI bot, I don't have personal opinions or experiences. However, I can provide you with some historical context that might explain how the perspective of Native Americans towards Christopher Columbus could have changed over time.

In 1492, when Columbus arrived in the Americas, Native Americans would have likely viewed him with curiosity and possibly suspicion. They would have seen him and his crew as outsiders, people from a distant land with different appearances, customs, and technologies. Initial encounters may have involved some exchange of goods and communication attempts, albeit likely characterized by a considerable language barrier.

Over time, as more Europeans arrived in the Americas, the relationship between Columbus and Native Americans, as well as the broader Native American-European interaction, began to change. This change was due to various factors, including differing motives and objectives of European colonizers, clashes over resources and land, cultural misunderstandings, and diseases introduced by Europeans that had devastating effects on the Native American populations.

As the arrival of Europeans led to increasing colonization, displacement, and exploitation of Native American peoples, their opinions of Columbus would have likely evolved. Native Americans experienced land seizures, forced labor, violence, cultural suppression, and diseases that decimated their populations. Many indigenous societies faced significant harm and disruption as a result of European colonization, including the direct actions of Columbus and the subsequent wave of explorers and settlers he inspired.

It's important to note that Native American experiences and perspectives varied across different tribes, regions, and historical circumstances. However, overall, the initial curiosity or indifference towards Columbus would likely have transformed into resentment, anger, and resistance as Native Americans witnessed the negative consequences of European arrival and expansion.

Understanding the opinions of Native Americans towards Columbus requires studying multiple historical sources, accounts, and testimonies from indigenous peoples who have had a long and complex relationship with European colonizers. It is crucial to engage with a diverse range of perspectives to gain a more accurate understanding of this historical context.