How did Christopher Columbus change the Native American lives I need 5 reasons and I only have 2. (I need 3 more)?

Plz help!

Which two reasons do you already have?

I have:

- He enslaved the natives and took their land

-he Christianized and civilized the natives

That looks like four reasons to me.

However, I don't know what you mean by saying he "civilized" the natives.

You might also mention the foreign diseases he and his followers spread. Europeans also showed the natives new technology (guns) and the idea that the world is round, not flat.

To find three more reasons how Christopher Columbus changed the lives of Native Americans, you can conduct some research using credible sources or refer to historical accounts. Here are three additional ways Christopher Columbus impacted Native American lives:

1. Introduction of new diseases: One significant impact of Columbus's arrival was the introduction of diseases to the Native American population. As Europeans came into contact with Native Americans, diseases such as smallpox, influenza, and measles were transmitted, leading to devastating epidemics. Since Native Americans had no prior exposure to these diseases, they lacked immunity, resulting in a significant decline in their population.

2. Forced labor and enslavement: Columbus and subsequent European settlers established a system of forced labor and enslavement, primarily known as encomienda. Native Americans were often subjected to harsh conditions, forced to work on Spanish colonists' plantations and mines. This exploitation had a detrimental effect on the Indigenous population, as they experienced physical hardship, forced separation from their families, and cultural disruption.

3. Loss of land and displacement: Columbus's arrival marked the beginning of European colonization in the Americas. As more settlers arrived, Native Americans were increasingly pushed out of their traditional lands. In many cases, they were forcibly displaced, leading to the loss of their ancestral territories and disrupting their established ways of life. This displacement resulted in social and economic impacts on Native American societies, often leading to an erosion of their cultural practices and identities.

Remember to verify and cross-reference the information from trustworthy sources to ensure accuracy in your research.