In Ch.5 of To Kill a Mockingbird:When Miss Maudie baked a cake, what would she make for Scout,Jem, and Dill?

To find out what Miss Maudie baked for Scout, Jem, and Dill in Chapter 5 of "To Kill a Mockingbird," you can refer to the specific chapter in the book. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

1. Get a copy of the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. You can obtain a physical copy from a bookstore, borrow it from a library, or access a digital version on an e-reader or online platform.

2. Open the book and locate Chapter 5. You can do this by either using the table of contents if it's available or by flipping through the pages until you reach the chapter.

3. Once you're in Chapter 5, read the text carefully. Look for any mentions of Miss Maudie baking a cake for Scout, Jem, and Dill. Pay attention to the specific details provided by the author.

4. If you find the passage about Miss Maudie baking a cake, it will likely mention what kind of cake she made for the children. Read the relevant section to discover the type of cake she baked.

5. If the specific details about the cake are not mentioned in Chapter 5, you may need to refer to other chapters or sections of the book that discuss Miss Maudie, her baking, or social interactions involving her and the children. Use the table of contents or index, or simply continue reading the book to find the desired information.

Remember, in order to get the most accurate answer to your question, it is essential to refer directly to the source material, which, in this case, is the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee.

The very best way to find that out is to read Chapter 5. It isn't very long.