I am a polygon.

I am a quadrangle.
All of my sides are the same length.
None of my angles are right angles.

Alex, am I a rhombus ?

Gabriela, am I a rhombus

Based on the information provided, you are describing a special type of quadrangle called a "rhombus." A rhombus is a polygon with four sides of equal length. In addition, none of the angles in a rhombus are right angles.

To find the answer to your question, we can break it down step by step:
1. Identify that the shape described is a quadrangle, which is a polygon with four sides.
2. Determine that all sides of the quadrangle are of equal length, which narrows down the options to a special type of quadrangle.
3. Recall the characteristics of different quadrangle types, such as a square, rectangle, parallelogram, and rhombus.
4. Note that none of the angles in the described shape are right angles.
5. Combine all the given attributes: a quadrangle with equal sides and non-right angles, leading to the conclusion that the shape is a rhombus.

By analyzing the given attributes and applying knowledge of quadrangles, we can identify that the shape in question is a rhombus.