Moon - 240000 mi Jupiter - 391000000. The space vehicle would take how many days to reach Jupiter? Saturday,

To calculate the number of days it would take for a space vehicle to reach Jupiter, we need to know the speed of the space vehicle. Without that information, we cannot determine the duration accurately. Nonetheless, I can explain the general approach to calculate the time it takes.

First, we need to calculate the distance between the Moon and Jupiter. Given that the Moon is 240,000 miles away and Jupiter is 391,000,000 miles away, we subtract the distance to find the total travel distance:

Distance = Jupiter distance - Moon distance
Distance = 391,000,000 miles - 240,000 miles
Distance = 390,760,000 miles

Next, we need to consider the speed of the space vehicle. Let's assume it travels at a constant speed of "S" miles per day (please provide the actual speed to get a precise answer).

To calculate the time it takes to reach Jupiter, we divide the total distance by the speed of the space vehicle:

Time = Distance / Speed
Time = 390,760,000 miles / S miles per day
Time = 390,760,000 / S days

Since we don't have the speed value, we cannot give you an exact answer. However, if you provide the speed, we can calculate the number of days it would take for the space vehicle to reach Jupiter.