To convert from kilometers (km) to meters (m), multiply by 1000. How many meters are there in 6.2 km? A~6,200M?

2. Multiply.5.75 * 10 (the problem is 10 to the power of 2)A~ 575

3. Multiply.0.8175 * 1, 000 =A~817.5?

4. Paula's car payment is $342.37 per month for 3 years. How much will she pay altogether? A~$12,325.32?

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To convert from kilometers (km) to meters (m), you need to multiply the value in kilometers by 1000.

For example, to convert 6.2 km to meters, you would multiply 6.2 by 1000.

So, 6.2 km * 1000 = 6200 m.

Therefore, there are 6200 meters in 6.2 km.

For the second question, you are asked to multiply. You are given the number 5.75 and are asked to multiply it by 10 to the power of 2 (10^2).

To do this, you multiply 5.75 by 10 twice.

So, 5.75 * 10 * 10 = 575.

Therefore, the answer is 575.

In the third question, you are given the number 0.8175 and are asked to multiply it by 1000.

To do this, you multiply 0.8175 by 1000.

So, 0.8175 * 1000 = 817.5.

Therefore, the answer is 817.5.

For the fourth question, Paula's car payment is $342.37 per month for 3 years.

To find out how much she will pay altogether, you need to multiply the monthly payment by the number of months in 3 years.

Since there are 12 months in a year, there are 3 * 12 = 36 months in 3 years.

To find the total payment, multiply the monthly payment ($342.37) by the number of months (36).

So, $342.37 * 36 = $12,325.32.

Therefore, Paula will pay a total of $12,325.32.