I have three questions that I can't find anywhere.

19) Organisms that are at the greatest risk when the dynamic equilibrium is upset would be the:

A. Organisms at the top of the evolutionary tree

B. Generalists

C. Specialists

D. Invertebrates

E. All of the above

20) A major player in the flow of energy through the biosphere is (are) the

A. Atmosphere

B. Magnetosphere

C. Microsphere

D. Bacteria

E. All of the above

22) At least 45% of the solar radiation is:

A. Reflected by dust, clouds and the earth's surface

B. Used to drive the water cycle

C. Involved in photosynthesis

D. Absorbed by the earth and the atmosphere

E. Is a part of the Albedo Effect

I know it looks like a lot, but any help would be much appreciated. I have 54 questions and all of them are very hard. I do my courses through correspondence, so there is no teacher or classmate help. My brain hurts lol.

Thank you!

I'd be happy to help you with your questions! Let's go through each question step-by-step and explain how to find the answers.

Question 19: Organisms that are at the greatest risk when the dynamic equilibrium is upset would be the:

To answer this question, it's important to understand what is meant by "dynamic equilibrium." Dynamic equilibrium refers to a state of balance or stability in an ecological system. When this equilibrium is upset, certain organisms may be more vulnerable than others. Let's look at the answer choices and break them down:

A. Organisms at the top of the evolutionary tree - This choice is not directly related to the risk when dynamic equilibrium is upset, so it seems unlikely.

B. Generalists - Generalist organisms are those that can adapt to various environments and food sources, which might indicate they are less vulnerable to imbalances in dynamic equilibrium.

C. Specialists - Specialist organisms have specific adaptations and dietary requirements, making them more vulnerable to changes in their environment.

D. Invertebrates - This choice is quite broad and may include both generalist and specialist invertebrates, so it doesn't give a clear answer.

E. All of the above - This option suggests that all the mentioned organisms are at greatest risk, but we need to determine which specific group is most vulnerable.

Based on the explanations, the most appropriate answer could be either B (Generalists) or C (Specialists). However, more context may be needed to make a definitive choice.

Question 20: A major player in the flow of energy through the biosphere is (are) the:

To answer this question, we need to identify the components that contribute to the flow of energy in the biosphere. Let's examine the options:

A. Atmosphere - The atmosphere plays a role in the transfer of heat energy, but it is not the primary player in energy flow.

B. Magnetosphere - The magnetosphere is related to the Earth's magnetic field and does not directly influence energy flow in the biosphere.

C. Microsphere - Not a recognized term in the context of energy flow in the biosphere.

D. Bacteria - Bacteria can be significant players in energy flow, contributing to processes like decomposition, nutrient cycling, and photosynthesis.

E. All of the above - It's unlikely that all the mentioned options are major players in energy flow. Bacteria, however, could be considered a major player.

Based on this analysis, option D (Bacteria) appears to be the most appropriate answer.

Question 22: At least 45% of the solar radiation is:

This question tests your understanding of solar radiation and its fate upon reaching the Earth. Let's evaluate the answer choices:

A. Reflected by dust, clouds, and the Earth's surface - This choice suggests that a portion of solar radiation is reflected, which is accurate.

B. Used to drive the water cycle - The water cycle is driven by solar radiation, but it might not account for at least 45% of the total radiation.

C. Involved in photosynthesis - Photosynthesis utilizes solar radiation to convert light energy into chemical energy, but it may not represent such a large portion.

D. Absorbed by the Earth and the atmosphere - Solar radiation is indeed absorbed by the Earth and the atmosphere, contributing to heating and other processes.

E. Part of the Albedo Effect - Albedo refers to the reflection of solar radiation by various surfaces, so it is related to option A.

Considering the choices, option A (Reflected by dust, clouds, and the Earth's surface) seems to align best with an estimate of at least 45% of solar radiation.

It's essential to note that these are logical deductions based on the information provided. For comprehensive understanding and more precise answers, it's valuable to refer to educational resources, textbooks, or consult with a subject matter expert. Keep up the good work in your studies!