i want to see if my answer is correct & that i am understanding this.

question: round me to the nearest ten, i am 320 the sum of my digit is a multiple of 6 i am even.

My Answer = 24

20 ten
2+4 =6

Have you typed your question exactly as it appears, especially the 320 part?

i re posted the question the way it is reading from my homework page.

thanks for your help.

sorry. I don't understand the question.

no you are not

To determine if your answer is correct, let's go through the steps to round the number 320 to the nearest ten and check if it meets the given conditions:

1. The nearest ten to 320 is 320 rounded to 10s place, which is 320 itself.

2. The sum of the digits of 320 is 3 + 2 + 0 = 5, which is not a multiple of 6. Therefore, it does not meet the condition "the sum of my digits is a multiple of 6."

Based on these steps, your answer of 24 is not correct for the given conditions. Please make sure to go through the instructions and conditions thoroughly to arrive at the correct answer.