What is number sense?

an understanding that allows students to approach concepts, ideas, and problems concerning numbers differently, according to their backgrounds, experiences, studies, etc.


Number sense is the ability to understand and work with numbers in a meaningful way. It involves having a conceptual understanding of numbers, their relationships, and their magnitude. Number sense helps individuals make sense of numerical information, solve mathematical problems, and estimate quantities or answers.

To develop number sense, it is important to engage in activities that promote a deep understanding of numbers. Here are some strategies to improve number sense:

1. Counting: Practice counting objects, numbers, or even in everyday situations, like counting steps or items in a grocery store.

2. Number relationships: Explore the relationships between numbers, such as greater than, less than, and equal to. Use visual aids like number lines or manipulatives to make these connections.

3. Estimation: Encourage estimation skills by making reasonable guesses about quantities or answers. For example, estimate the total cost of groceries or the number of people in a room.

4. Mental math: Practice performing calculations mentally, without relying solely on paper or calculators. This helps develop mental fluency and flexibility with numbers.

5. Problem-solving: Engage in problem-solving activities that require applying mathematical concepts to real-world situations. This helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

By consistently practicing these strategies, you can enhance your number sense and become more confident and proficient in working with numbers.