what does water mean in japanese

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. There are MANY words for water actually! mizu, yes but clear water = kireina mizu; citty water = siudo; cold water = tsumetai; , ohiya; drinking water = nomi mizu fresh water = atarashii mizu; hot water = oyu; ice water = aisu-wota, köri mizu; mineral water = kosen; rain water = ama mizu; sea water = umi no mizu, kaisui; soda water = soda-sui; tepid water = nuruma-yu; well water = ido-yu mizu.


To find out what "water" means in Japanese, you can use an online dictionary or translation tool. Here's how you can do it:

1. Open a web browser and go to a reliable Japanese-English dictionary website like jisho.org or use a translation tool like Google Translate.
2. Type "water" or "水" (pronounced as "mizu") in the search bar.
3. Press Enter or click the search button to see the results.

The dictionary or translation tool will provide you with the translation and pronunciation of "water" in Japanese, which is "水" (mizu).
Remember that for Japanese translations, it's essential to consider context and cultural nuances, as words may have different meanings depending on the situation.