The length of DNA HELIX occupied by one nucleotide pair is 3.4 angstroms. What is the length in angstroms of this unknown DNA fragment?

How do you calculate Angstroms?

To calculate the length in angstroms of the unknown DNA fragment, you need to know the number of nucleotide pairs in that fragment.

To calculate angstroms, you can use the conversion factor:
1 angstrom = 1 x 10^-10 meters

To calculate the length in angstroms, you can use the following formula:
Length in angstroms = Number of nucleotide pairs x Length of one nucleotide pair in angstroms

In this case, we know that the length of one nucleotide pair is 3.4 angstroms. Let's say the number of nucleotide pairs in the unknown DNA fragment is "x". Therefore, the length in angstroms of the unknown DNA fragment would be:

Length in angstroms = x (number of nucleotide pairs) x 3.4 (length of one nucleotide pair in angstroms)

By substituting the appropriate values for "x" and calculating the expression, you can find the length in angstroms of the unknown DNA fragment.