Okay now there is more. There is brackets.


Is this the answer?


No, that is not the correct answer. To simplify the expression with brackets, you need to apply the distributive property and combine like terms.

Here's the step-by-step explanation:

1. Start with the original expression: 3[3(x+1)+2(x-1)].
2. Distribute the 3 to both terms inside the first set of brackets: 3 * 3(x+1) = 9(x+1).
The expression becomes: 9(x+1) + 2(x-1).
3. Distribute the 2 to both terms inside the second set of brackets: 2 * (x-1) = 2x - 2.
The expression becomes: 9(x+1) + 2x - 2.
4. Multiply the terms inside the first set of brackets: 9(x+1) = 9x + 9.
The expression becomes: 9x + 9 + 2x - 2.
5. Combine like terms: 9x + 2x = 11x. And 9 - 2 = 7.
The final simplified expression is: 11x + 7.

So, the correct answer is 11x + 7, not [9x+9+6x-6].